Design Trends

If you haven't had the pleasure to read an article by Sally Morse, or better yet listen to her give a seminar or speech, you are trully missing out. As Director of Creative Services for Hunter Douglas, Sally Morse is internationally recognized for her work in the interior design field. Most recently, she was honored with the 2008 International Window Coverings Expo (IWCE) 'Window Fashions Industry Icon' award. Frequently a featured guest on TV and radio programs, she also contributes articles on interior design to magazines such as Better Homes & Gardens, Windows and Walls and Real Simple. As well as attending the leading industry trade shows in Paris, Brussels, Frankfurt, Canada, the Middle East, Russia and the Pacific Rim, Sally also travels extensively as a consultant and lecturer.

I have had the pleasure to listen to Sally on a few occasions while attending some training courses for Hunter Douglas. She is very entertaining, and I could listen to her talk for hours. If you visit, you can see more of her design advice. She lists what the top 10 design trends are and so I thought I would share them with you. I will list a few of them today and more over the next posts.

To learn more about Sally, you can also visit her blog. 

Sheer Fabrics

Just as sheer scarves are making a comeback in women's wear, so are soft, translucent fabrics for home interiors. The trend is migrating from Asia, where sheer textiles have long been favored by fashion and interior designers. Luxurious and sensual, sheer materials elevate the style of any room. At Hunter Douglas, you'll find hundreds of sheer fabrics across our product lines


With many Hunter Douglas window fashions, you can precisely control how much natural light comes into your room. You can also control where that light goes by tilting the louvers, slats, vanes and panels. Our design colleague Natasha Lima-Younts, president of Designer Society of America, particularly likes Hunter Douglas Silhouette


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