Fresh Ideas for Your Home

Did you know? Boysenberry is the most important new interior design color. …According to the Color Marketing Group. No matter how you spell it – boysenberry or boyz-n-berry or boys-and-berry, this vibrant color is off-the-charts right now, in what's new and fashionable in interior design. You’ll be seeing a lot of it soon, and you might just want to add some boysenberry accents to your home environment. Boysenberry is a purple shade, with a hint of red, and it looks as delicious as it sounds. Experts tell us that purple hues (like boysenberry) communicate good judgment, so it's probably a smart move to add some to your house this fall! It’s also said that purple can provide peace of mind and a sense of calm. And, of course, purple is considered the color of royalty, so it exudes sophistication and luxury. Even though boysenberry is bold, it can be the focal color in a room and not be overbearing. It’s also beautiful in combination with a variety of other hu...